Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Vertical After

   Vertical After were a Vancouver band. I don't even know if they are still around. According to biographical info, "Vertical After mixed up the genres long before System of a Down hit with Chop Suey. Vertical After toured all over North America promoting videos and albums including 1999's Pop Goes Death, mixed by Doug Pinnick of King's X, and 2002's Bloody Murdo co-produced by Stu of Grip Inc. They have support-opened in New York for Twisted Sister, in L.A. for Bruce Dickenson, Ice T's Body Count, and around the country for many acts including King's X. The music varies from punk to metal to pop." (http://music.cbc.ca/#/artists/VERTICAL-AFTER). I don't know about all that. One day, years ago, I checked out a CD of theirs from the library, and one song made an impression, called "The Sellout". Despite their hard rock and prog leanings, it's a peppy pop song with wistful synth, and the guitar is oddly buried. Decent song, indifferent production.
   The only thing I know about them that's not listed on that bio is that (I am pretty sure, unless it's a weird dream that has taken the place of facts in my brain) they used to be called Vertical Laughter. Maybe people kept thinking their name was Vertical After, like I Love You can be heard as Isle Of View? Either way, it's not a good name. Now, you don't need a good name to make good music, but neither the name Vertical After nor Vertical Laughter make any sense, but then neither does the Sex Pistols, and we still listen to their music.
   One song that is not on that CBC page is the one I mentioned, "The Sellout". Enjoy! (Or not, I don't really care, man).


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